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Reasons to order a Mittuniversitetet examensbevis in Sweden

Mittuniversitetet examensbevis, Mid Sweden University degree,
Mittuniversitetet examensbevis, Mid Sweden University degree,

Created on 1 July 1993, the Mittuniversitetet was originally called Mid Sweden University College (Mitthögskolan), buy Mittuniversitetet examensbevis, and was the result of a merger between the University College of Sundsvall/Harnösand (Högskolan i Sundsvall/Harnösand) and the University College of Östersund (Högskolan i Östersund). The two university colleges had been founded in 1977, with roots in the School of social work that started in 1971 in the city of Östersund, and in the Folk high school teachers’ seminary and the nautical training/naval school that were launched in 1842 in the city of Harnosand. On 1 July 1995, the Sundsvall/Örnskaldsvik and Östersund Colleges of Health Sciences (Vardhögskolor) were also incorporated.

In 2001 Mid Sweden University was awarded university status in the natural sciences area of research including IT, order Mid Sweden University degree, and was thus entitled to issue doctoral degrees. Employees that were carrying out doctoral studies before then were enrolled at other universities, where they had their main supervisor, but also locally supervised at Mid Sweden University College, buy Sweden university degree. Effective 1 January 2005, the government of Sweden granted the institution the right to call itself a university and the school’s name changed to Mid Sweden University (Mittuniversitetet).

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